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Authors :  Surya Rajkumar (1), Sadhasivam Ramesh (2) and Kalaiselvi Ramasamy (1)

Publication :  February 13-16, 2013

Volume :  

Pages :  8-Jan

Price :  250

Abstract :  Noise has significant impacts on human health and well being and is therefore important to control. Traffic noise becomes the major contribution in the urban environment. The buildings which are located adjacent to the urban traffic corridors are getting significantly affected. The noise problem becomes more severe in hot and humid climatic zone like Chennai where the buildings have very large openings exposed to wind direction. This paper describes about noise control measures adopted for a naturally ventilated School building which is located adjacent to traffic corridor. To quantify the amount of noise pollution, the parameters such as Leq, L10, L50 and L90 are monitored in and around the selected building with Delta Ohm sound level meter. The measured Leq levels inside the building are 6 to 15 dB(A) higher than the permitted levels. Hence a noise mitigation study is attempted through barriers. A barrier is any solid obstacle that impedes the line of sight between source and receiver and creates a sound shadow. The amount of noise attenuation obtained by two different types of noise barriers such as concrete and glass are studied through simulation. The barriers are modelled in SoundPLAN & ArcGIS 9.3. Noise reductions of 6 and 17 dB(A) are obtained through concrete and glass barrier respectively. The various combination and profiles of the above barriers are simulated using SoundPLAN & ArcGIS software.