About Us
Indian Concrete Institute is one of the leading professional bodies in India, catering to the professional needs of individuals and organisations involved in Concrete. Being a non-profit Organisation, it is dedicated to the cause of Disseminating Knowledge on Concrete, to Promote Concrete Technology and Construction and to address the Research Needs of Concrete.The Genesis of ICI dates back to the year 1982, when SERC Chennai and Anna University jointly conducted an International Seminar on Modern Concrete Construction Practices. The overwhelming response to the seminar prompted the Organisers to start the Indian Concrete Institute. Thus, the ICI was born in 1982 with around 500 members from 5 regional Centres.

Since then, there is no looking back and ICI has grown in leaps and bounds. Today ICI is a strong professional body having more than 14, 500 enrolled members, from 48 regional Centres in all major cities, spread across the entire length and breadth of the country. Of these, more than 393 are Organisational Members. All segments of cement and concrete industries are widely represented in the membership. To meet the objectives of ICI, the regional Centres conduct varieties of programs like Seminars, Workshops, Conferences, Exhibitions, etc. throughout the year. These are at both National and International level. These events prove to be a unique platform, for all the stakeholders in the concrete industry, wherein Practicing Engineers, Manufacturers, Academics, Consultants and Researchers make their global participation, to discuss the issues, to share their views and experience on the concrete related matters.

Thus, ICI derives the synergy amongst the various categories of people associated with concrete. Any professional Body is recognized by the technical documents it creates. Today, at ICI, several Technical Committees are striving hard to bring out technical documents, to frame guidelines, to standardize, to fix norms for various speciality, concretes and construction practices and to bring out Hand Books etc.
The outcome of these committees has placed ICI high in the concrete Arena. ICI works in close coordination with various Central and State Government Bodies like CPWD, PWDs, Municipal Corporation etc, for the adoption of Latest Technologies and practices in Infrastructure Building. ICI members represent in several Codal Committees of BIS. ICI is an active participant in Asian Concrete Federation (ACF), which is a cluster of nine Asian Countries. ICI has signed MOU with other concrete institutes like Singapore Concrete Institute, Concrete Institute of Australia, Korea Concrete Institute, American Concrete Institute and RILEM for exchange of technological Information, technical documents and to organize programmes, jointly. A professional body has got its responsibilities towards society. So also, ICI is committed to the society for its well being.
ICI is focused towards advocating the concept of sustainability in construction practices. Many of the ICI events are focused on achieving sustainability through innovative materials and techniques. Response to such programmes from Government Bodies is overwhelming. ICI embraces budding civil engineers through ICI Students Chapters. There are more than 310 students chapters, all over the country and this number is on the increase. The very objective of these students’ chapters is to bridge the gap between their theoretical knowledge and what is being practiced in the field. Their involvement in ICI activities help them shape themselves to face the challenges in the field, when they come out of the Institutions and enhance their Employability Quotient. ICI also conducts value-added courses in concrete for the benefit of Practicing Engineers and Students.
ICI identifies, recognizes and rewards the experts in the field of Concrete for their contributions to the development of concrete technology and Concrete Construction. Sixteen such awards are presented every year at the time of AGM. ICI brings out several publications, proceedings of all the important events for the benefit of members and others. Work is on to bring out a journal of international standard, through one of the world renowned Publisher.
- To promote growth of concrete construction and its sub-specializations.
- To disseminate information and to arrange to train personnel for the needs of changing concepts in the technology.
- To collaborate with national and international agencies in creating better understanding of concrete construction technology.
- To indentify R & D problems of practical relevance to concrete construction technology.
- To institute and distribute awards for outstanding achievements in concrete construction technology.
- To arrange periodical seminars and exhibitions on the subject and
- To arrange annual lecture series on selected topics of relevance to concrete constructions.
The Institute conducts varieties of programmes like Seminars, Workshops, Conferences, Exhibition, Webinars, Deminars and training programmes throughout the year on various topics related to concrete technology. ICI-IWC and ICI ACECON are two such international events organized by once in five years. Experts in concrete technology from all over the world participate in these events and share their experience.
Large organizations avail in-house training programmes conducted by ICI to educate their personnel on best practices in making good concrete.Indian Concrete Institute also conducts number of artisan training programmes in various construction centres in India, on demand.
Certification Programme
ICI conducts certification course in Concrete Testing for the benefit of Site Supervisors and Lab Technicians and Students. This is done in collobration with Corporate houses and Government Bodies.
Concrete Day
Concrete day is being celebrated by the Institute through all its centres in the month of September every year, the month in which the Institute was formally registered as a Society. On this day special lectures are organized. In addition, centres also honor outstanding personalities for their contributions to the concrete technology and outstanding concrete structures are also awarded.
Student Chapter
ICI encourages civil engineering students to start student chapters in their respective colleges and these chapters provide unique opportunities to Student Members to interact with practicing professionals in various disciplines, with an objective of reducing the gap between their therotical knowledge and practice. Their participation in ICI Students Chapter activities enhances the students employability and soft skills. More than 310 Students Chapters have been opened so far. Student members become eligible for various concessions offered by ICI.
ICI brings out lot of Technical Documents in the form of Hand Books, Guidelines, Recommendations etc. Created by the ICI Technical Committees, formed every and now then.
ICI Journal
ICI Journal carries peer reviewed technical papers in each of the quarterly issues. Technical abstracts of papers from national and international journals are also provided. This Journal is under exchange circulation with a number of international professional bodies. Please click here to see the current issue.
An electronic newsletter titled "ICI update" is mailed to all members every month, which carries news from various centres and student chapters in addition to selected Technical papers presented in ICI-events.
Advisory Service
ICI offers an industry advisory service for problem solving in design, construction, maintenance and repairs.
ICI has created an Archives in the website which carries all technical papers presented in the events, which is a treasure of knowledge, useful for Researchers and Project Work.
ICI - Endowment Lecture
The founder President of the Institute Dr.M.Ramaiah has instituted an Endowment Lecture on "Quality in Construction". M/s Contruma Consultancy has instituted an endonment lecture in memory of late Dr. T.N. Subba Rao, former president of ICI. Eminent concrete technologists deliver the lectures during the Annual General Meeting of the Institute in September every year.
ICI Annual Awards
ICI has instituted several awards sponsored by reputed organisation and individuals.These awards are presented to individuals and organisations to recognize their talents and their contribution to the growth of Concrete Techology and Construction.